God, I offer my life to you.
Guide me by your grace,
for it is through you
that I find the strength to face the day.
You give me the wings of an eagle
to soar above my troubles
and look at them in a new way.
You give the wisdom of a turtle
to watch and listen, moving forward at a slow and steady pace,
when it is the right time to do so.
You give me the tenacity of honey badger
to fight for what is worth holding on to.
And the courage of field mouse
to run away from the things that no longer serve me.
God, you teach me that life is not free of struggle,
But you give me the tools that I need
so I can those struggles as an opportunity for learning and growth,
And for that I am eternally grateful!
For the original Psalm visit https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+91&version=NRSV