Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 90

Creator God, since the birth of humanity we have found a home in you.
Long before conscious thought
you were molding the world into a home for us.
Your creative vision has guided the earth and everything on it
through stages of evolution,
constantly finding a new balance as life grows.

What is our history in comparison to the vastness of your creation?
In comparison to the history of the world
that you have guided through so many changes?

How frustrated must you be with us now?
Knowing that you have created a world with all that we need,
and yet seeing people starving on the streets as we tear apart your creation.

God, we are deserving of your wrath.
We have failed to recognize your presence and your plan for us,
Instead focussing on our own petty desires.

God, I know we don’t deserve it,
but ask you to have mercy on us.
Forgive our trespasses,
and teach us to walk the path of love.
Show us how to repair the damage we have done to the earth,
Teach us to care for all of our neighbours,
So that we may all be blessed by your bounteous creation.

For the original Psalm visit