We are told God does not change…
That “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
And yet God through Jesus experienced a fully human life.
And what is life with out change?
We are constantly changing, constantly learning, constantly growing.
So how could God be fully human and unchanging?
Being unchanging is not a goal in human life…
…it is an indication of a problem.
It means a person is not engaging life;
Not being open to the path God is calling them to.
If we are meant to change, why do we expect God to stay the same?
Is it possible to be unchanging and still learn and grow?
I know that Jesus was changed by his encounter with the Syrophoenician woman.
His vision of God’s people was changed by her challenge.
You may say he was making a point;
But I know he was making a change.
So why do we need God to remain the same?
Why are we so afraid of change?
What is unchanging is God’s love for us.
Love is constant and ever-present…
…and times complicated.
But it is always there.
So how can God be unchanging
and at the same time constantly evolving?
Consciousness will change.
Understanding will change.
Interactions will change.
But God’s love for us – for all of creation – that will never change.