Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 43

God, I see so many people who claim to be Christian
But don’t seem to be following a path of your love.
Make clear to me your vision of the world,
So that I make speak the truth to others.
Give me the courage to speak out against falsehoods spoken in your name,
And the wisdom to speak words of love that others will hear.

Fill me with your divine love,
So that I may share it with all your people.
Reveal your works in the world to me,
So that I may sing praise to your glory for all to hear.
I will give my life to you, O God,
And sing your unending praises.

Help me to know only your righteous anger
when I am confronted with places of hate,
So that I may speak only from a place of love,
And help all to truly follow in your way.

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Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 42

As the roots of a might oak burrow deep into the earth,
So I am grounded in you.
As its branches lift up leaves to reach the sunlight,
So my spirit sores to your love.
As it both supports and is supported by neighbouring trees,
So I find a home in a community of your people.

You have led me to so much good in my life,
And I have tried to follow the path you have set before me,
So why now do I feel so lost?
Why can I not see a way forward?
How much longer must I feel stuck in this place?
Is there something here I still need to learn?

I cannot not believe that you would abandon me now
in my time of need,
And yet, I struggle to recognize your presence.
I am unsure of which way to go.
Or perhaps more truly I know where to go,
But not how to get there.

Do not abandon me now,
Not when you have offered me a glimpse of true happiness.
Help me to find the right words.
I trust that you are still with me,
So please show me the way forward!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 41

Too often I look for joy in material things;
new clothes, new shoes, new tech, new toys,
But they cannot bring my lasting joy.
Too often I put my own wants
ahead of the needs of others.

But you, O God, call me to another way…
…a better way.
A way where I am invited to share
the gifts you have given me with the people around me.

You call me to step out of my self-inflicted isolation,
And be a part of a community…
…be a part of your community.

You invite me to dream of a world where everyone has enough;
Not just enough food, water, and shelter,
But enough comfort and companionship…
…enough connection and community…
…enough love and support…
…enough freedom to unapologetically be their authentic selves!

God, I know that with your help
and through your love this will come to pass.
May it be so!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 40

Psalm 40

God, when I lost my way and didn’t know where to turn,
You made yourself known to me;
You pulled me out of my despair,
Dusted me off,
And set me in motion once again.
You reminded me of my direction and my purpose,
And my heart was filled once again with songs of your praises.

Knowing you are with me in life fills my heart with joy.
You guide me into your mystery;
Opening me to the complexity and interconnectedness of life.
Your care and compassion can be seen throughout creation.
The intricacies of your creation that sing your praises are endless!

You do not ask me to deny who I am,
Or to try to cram myself in box of social norms.
You not only allow but encourage me to be
Authentically and unequivocally me!

You move me to share your good news with everyone I meet.
To speak openly of your good works,
And to learn and grow by listening to the experiences of others.
It is in community that we come to know you more fully.

But there are still times when I lose my way,
When I cut myself off from community,
And withdraw within myself.

Be with me when the world feels like it is too much,
Remind me of your good works,
So that I may sing your praises with joy once again!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 39

For so long I kept silent and did not share my thoughts.
I did not want to say the wrong thing,
and risk hurting someone with my words.
I did not want to get dragged into petty arguments
with people who were just looking for a fight.

So, I held my tongue;
Outwardly I was calm and quiet,
But inside I was screaming words I wanted to say,
Words I should have said.

I cannot find peace in silence,
When I am drowning in words that long to be said.
I can no longer let the words spoken in your name
come from people who Speak discrimination and violence.

And so, I must speak but I need you as my guide!
Help me to find the words…
…words of your love that will bring peace…
…words of your comfort that will bring healing…
…words of your hope that will bring joy…
I will not keep silent.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 38

God, I have made so many mistakes!
I cannot escape the shame of what I have done in the past;
Even when your Word speaks of love,
All I hear are the ways I have fallen short.

I am not sure I am worthy of your forgiveness, O God.
I have caused too much harm to your people…
… to your creation…
…to myself.

Can I ever do enough good to make up for the mistakes of my past?
How can I even begin to make amends for what I have done?
And how can I stop myself from making similar mistakes in the future?

You have shown me the way,
And I refused to follow,
For that I am truly sorry.
I confess that I have closed my eyes
To the impact I have had on the world around me,
Allowing me to make selfish and self-destructive choices.

Be with me now, O God,
Help me to be aware of the impact of my actions,
So that I make choices out of love that serve you and your creation.
Be with me always, O God,
For you are my comfort, my guide and my hope!

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Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 37

When you see someone who has so much more than they need,
who have taken advantage of broken systems
to amass wealth at the expense others,
Do not be envious of what they have.
Think of those who they hurt to get where they are,
And let go of your desire for what they have.

Because if you live your life according to God’s plan
you will have something worth so much more than money.
Each person placing their faith in God,
Brings us one step closer
to a world where everyone has all they need.

Be patient!
It will take time.
Change doesn’t happen overnight,
But inspired by God’s love
We can make a difference!

If we work together,
We can dismantle the systems that privilege a few,
We can learn to value community and connection;
and not individualism and perceived wealth.
We can make a difference!

Look around!
Good works are happening!
People are recognizing how we treat our planet effects everyone,
And more and more ecofriendly options are available every day.
People are finding a voice;
Speaking out against racism, sexism, homophobia.
The world is changing!

We are working toward a global community,
A world where we recognize the gifts and needs of each person,
and where we learn to share resources with all.
Do not let the amount of work left to do overwhelm you,
Work for change,
Celebrate successes,
And live in hope that God’s kin-dom can and will come to earth!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 36

There is no shortage of selfishness and greed in this world,
Of people who take so much more than what they need,
Leaving little or nothing for others.
There are people who “game the system”;
Working only for their own benefit,
With little or no concern for those around them.

But through you unending love, O God,
You offer us a better way.
You teach us that there is enough for all,
And that there is great joy in sharing with our friends and neighbours.
Through your love we create communities;
Communities that help us know…
We are not alone!

Help everyone to know your love, O God;
To hear your message of unity and love
in words they can understand,
So that we may see and end to corruption and greed,
And live our lives surrounded by your love!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 35

God, I am trying to follow the path you set before me,
But so often along the way I meet people who create stumbling blocks,
Who try to lead me astray,
Or put me on hold because of their own indecision.

Why do you let this happen to me over and over again?!
Am I supposed to be learning something from these experiences?
Or am I simply the collateral damage of someone else not following your plan?
Do they not see the hurt they are causing?

Open their eyes!
Open their hearts!
Let them see the pain they are causing!
Show them the error in their ways!

I have seen the great works that you have done in the world,
And in my own life;
Intervene on my behalf!
Open their eyes;
Open their hearts;
Show them your greatness, O Lord!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 34

I sing your praises, O God,
I want to share your Good News with the world!
May others hear me and join in the song;
So we can sing you praises together!

When I call out to you in distress,
You let me know you are with me.
You listen to my worries and fears,
And offer me comfort.
You help me see the good in all things,
And teach me to let go of thing
that are no longer serving me.

Come and hear the Good News!
Let me share with you what I know about God,
And learn from your experiences of the Divine.

Know that God hears you when you are distressed;
God is there with you to show you a different way.
When you make mistakes and stray from the path,
God is there to nudge you back on track.

Wherever you go God is there with you!
Sing the Good News!

For the original Psalm visit