God, I see so many people who claim to be Christian
But don’t seem to be following a path of your love.
Make clear to me your vision of the world,
So that I make speak the truth to others.
Give me the courage to speak out against falsehoods spoken in your name,
And the wisdom to speak words of love that others will hear.
Fill me with your divine love,
So that I may share it with all your people.
Reveal your works in the world to me,
So that I may sing praise to your glory for all to hear.
I will give my life to you, O God,
And sing your unending praises.
Help me to know only your righteous anger
when I am confronted with places of hate,
So that I may speak only from a place of love,
And help all to truly follow in your way.
For the original Psalm visit https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+43&version=NRSV