Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 97

Let the earth rejoice and sing praises to the creator.
In the gentle whisper of the wind
and the thunderous roar of a storm
God is there.
In the warmth of a gentle flame,
and in the heat of a forest fire making way for new life,
God is there.
In the trickle of bubbling brook,
and the depths of oceans teaming with life,
God is there.
In the nutrients and life of the soil,
and the stillness and rest of the cold, hard ground in the winter,
God is there.

God’s love reverberates throughout the universe.
Every star in the sky is touched by God’s love.
And yet at times we worship false idols,
putting them before God.
Idols of busyness, idols of wealth, idols of individualism.
But God calls us out… and calls us back.
God reminds us that there is a better way to live;
That we must feel the rhythm of creation,
and remember all things are connected,
before we can truly fill that hollow space inside
and fill it with God’s love.

When you live in God’s love
God helps you to resist evil;
Shows you the path of goodness,
and helps you to put others on that path.
Knowing God fills you life with love;
So sing God’s praises and rejoice
with all of creation!

For the original Psalm visit