God where is your righteous anger of days gone by?
Where are you prophets warning of the destruction you will bring?
Who will punish the wicked, the arrogant, the people destroy our planet?
People boast of their wealth;
claiming business acumen,
praising their own brilliance
While their employees,
their tenants,
their customers,
are starving in the street.
When, O God, will you call them to justice?
How can we make them see the impacts of their greed?
How do we help people understand
that when they take too much the whole world suffers?
Who will tell them of the destruction of the earth,
of starvation and suffering of your people?
God you see into our hearts and minds,
but how do we open one another to you?
Following you is a gift, O God!
Following your path and helping those in need where we can
only brings us closer to you and to each other.
There is so much joy being in community,
sharing joys and sorrows, and offering your love to each person we meet.
How do I invite people into that community, O God,
when their life has been defined by selfishness and greed?
When I was lost you reached out and guided me home,
you surrounded me in love and showed me my path.
It breaks my heart do see so many missing out
on that deep relationship I have with you.
I long for the day when all your people will follow their paths
to care for and support one another.
But until then I will find solace in knowing you in my life
and keep looking for the places where you are calling me
to guide people back home to you.
For the original Psalm visit https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+94& version=NRSVUE