I just want to hold you in my arms and tell you…
It will all be okay
You will feel better tomorrow
This is only temporary.
But those are promises I can’t make
I don’t know how long this time of struggle will last
I don’t know what will make it better
I don’t know how long the time of clarity will last when you get through this.
But I do know…
You will get through this you
You are stronger than you know
You’ve done it before and you can do it again.
And I am here for you
In whatever way you need me
I will be there by your side
to comfort and support you
for as long as you will let me.
Just like you have been there for me
When I felt like I wasn’t good enough
Was strong enough
Just wasn’t enough! It was your comfort and strength
that got me through
And now I am here
ready to do the same for you
All you have to do is let me in…