Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 90

Creator God, since the birth of humanity we have found a home in you.
Long before conscious thought
you were molding the world into a home for us.
Your creative vision has guided the earth and everything on it
through stages of evolution,
constantly finding a new balance as life grows.

What is our history in comparison to the vastness of your creation?
In comparison to the history of the world
that you have guided through so many changes?

How frustrated must you be with us now?
Knowing that you have created a world with all that we need,
and yet seeing people starving on the streets as we tear apart your creation.

God, we are deserving of your wrath.
We have failed to recognize your presence and your plan for us,
Instead focussing on our own petty desires.

God, I know we don’t deserve it,
but ask you to have mercy on us.
Forgive our trespasses,
and teach us to walk the path of love.
Show us how to repair the damage we have done to the earth,
Teach us to care for all of our neighbours,
So that we may all be blessed by your bounteous creation.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 89

God everywhere I look I see your love at work.
You have created a beautiful, interconnected home for us.
You have given us all that we need;
not just to survive but to thrive!

You have offered your marvelous works into our care.
You inspired us to pass down the wisdom and knowledge
needed to care for the earth and for each other,
from generation to generation.

Let all of creations sing your praises.
Let your praises shine through the brilliant colours of the sunrise.
Let your praises sing out in the call of the birds soaring on the wind.
Let your praises whisper in the gentle bubbling of a cool stream.
Let your praises be heard in our joy that is inspired by your creation.

You have sent us prophets and scriptures
so that we could know you more fully.
And when we were still struggling to hear your message of love
you sent us Jesus to show us the way.

But we are still lost.
We still bicker and fight.
We still hoard resources.
We corrupt your word to suit our own purposes.
We have lost sight of your message of love.

We need you now, O God,
to show us the way once again.
Do not be angry with us
and hide yourself away.
Awaken your spirit in the hearts of all your people,
so we may know your unending love!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 88

God you are my salvation…                              
…you saved me…
…but why?
…for what purpose?

You sent angels to save me at my darkest moment.
You called me to choose life.
But what kind of life?
Am I any further ahead now than I was then?
I am still lost.
I still feel alone.
I am still bound and trapped.
Struggling to break free.
Working so hard to drag myself forward
even just the tiniest step,
Just to be knocked back again.

You promised me a burden I could bear…
…not one I could barely lift.
I follow you blindly
down the paths you call me to
only to find myself lost and alone
facing another dead end.

I thought following you meant I didn’t have to do this alone!
Why do you continue to lead me down false paths?
Why does every lesson I learn have to be so hard?
Why do you ask me to open myself up
just so I can acquire new scars?

I am not sure how much more of this I can take!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 87

All of creation sings of your wondrous works.
The world is full of thin places,
where I can sense your presence more fully.
We are in awe of your creation
and how it connects us all.

You created a place for each living thing,
and know my entire being;
even better than I know myself.
You hold each one of us in your loving embrace
like a mother cradles her new born infant.
You are with us each step of the journey
help us grow into our place in your world.

Let all of creation praise your name!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 86

God, hear my prayer,
because I need you in my life.
You gave me a path to follow,
a purpose to live for,
and for that I am eternally grateful.
You are the source of my being,
you called me from darkness,
into your service.
Be with me now,
surround me in your love,
so that I may know
I am not alone.

Your love knows no bounds!
You move through a life,
weaving a delicate web of interconnectedness.
You breathe life into this world,
creating a home for us,
a world to live in,
a world to love in.
Teach me the path of love.
Help me to keep my heart open;
even when hurts.
Give me the strength to go on loving in the face of adversity.
Give me the courage to speak out that love;
especially when it is counter-culture.
You have shown your love for us
over and over again.
Help me to love as you love.

Help me to no longer live fear.
Show me the words,
so that I may speak
the love that is written on my heart.
Hold me in your love,
fill me with your spirit,
so that I may break free of the chains that bind me!
Help me to see the path you have set before me,
show me the way to the future that you promised me.
You have always been by my side when I needed you,
make yourself known to me once again.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 85

God, each generation you invite us into your covenant,
and each generation we seem to break that covenant,
we turn away from you,
we turn away from love.
You are righteous in your anger against us,
and yet, generation after generation,
you let go of that anger,
and invite us to renew our loving relationship with you.

We are in need of the eternal forgiveness once again,
The world has once again strayed
from the path you have set for us.
I understand your anger!
It is infuriating to see…
…the destruction we have caused to your earth,
…the societies that value possessions over people,
…the inequity in our communities.
I am angry too!

But now we need your forgiveness!
Teach me to love as you love,
to forgive the perpetrators of discrimination and destruction,
to forgive myself when I am a complicit part in those system.
Teach me do better,
to work for change,
and to inspire others to work for change.
It is only through your love
that we can create positive change in the world.

Your spirit dwells within each of us.
Awake the spirit with in us,
so we may be open to your call,
so that we make walk the path you set for us,
so that we can create and inspire good works in the world!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 84

How wondrous is this world that you made, O God!
I am in awe that you made a home for us in your creation.
My spirit soars as I am warmed by the sun
and caressed by the gentle breath of the wind.
Your breath stirring me back to life,
Opening my eyes and my heart to all the life around me.
The children playing and laughing as they enjoy the warmth of the sun after a long winter.
The ducks on the edge of the pond building a home for the little ones soon to come.
The birds soaring on the wind calling out to one another.
The bees flitting from blossom to blossom carrying new life for the trees and flowers.

I pray that I will be worthy of your wondrous gift of creation.
Teach me to live a life that honours you;
Never taking more than I need,
And giving generously where I can.

I could live a thousand lifetimes and never be worthy of all you have given me!
But the greatest gift of all is that you don’t ask me to be worthy;
You don’t ask me to be perfect.
You inspire me to do my best and pick me up when I stumble.
I am and will be eternally grateful to be a part of your awesome creation!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 83

God, let your voice be heard!
Let your cry for justice ring out,
reverberating through every living thing.
A sweet melody to the oppressed,
And a call to reconciliation to the oppressors.

Tear out the injustice in the world,
Burn away all the impurities in our souls,
Until everyone is left only with their best selves,
(however much or little that may be).

Put an end to hate and division,
call out racism,
call out homophobia and transphobia,
call out gender discrimination sexual violence,
call out ageism,
call out ableism,
call out all the things that separate us from your love,
shatter them with you cry,
until all violence and discrimination is burned away,
by your love.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 82

God you are the only one who can judge us truly but…
When will you start holding the greedy accountable for taking too much?
When will you put a stop to wicked, hurtful behavior?
When will you call our societies to account for how they treat your people?

How long can you sit and watch people starving,
and not pass judgement?
Not demand change?

Without you who will show these lost souls the way of love,
and finally put an end to their despicable, inhumane actions?

Claim your place at the head of all nations
and pass your judgement to bring equity for all your people!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 81

Raise your voice in song!
Sing praises God who offers strength and comfort.
Listen to the rhythm of God in the beat of the drums,
Feel God’s presence in the strum of a guitar,
Sing God’s praises with all the strength your voice can muster.

Sing praise for the changing seasons,
Greet each morning with song,
Let your songs of praise ring out throughout the day,
Acknowledge the stages of the moon
and the stages of life
with the music of your soul.

As you sing listen for the voice calling out to you,
Adding depth and harmony to your song.
Listen for God in your music, singing:

“I call out to you in love,
do you hear me?
I am here with you in times of trouble,
enfolding you in my love.

I call out to you to love,
Do you hear me?
Care for your friends and neighbours,
care for all my creation.

Listen for my voice,
pulsing through your life.
I am here to offer you guidance and strength.
I am here to show you the way.

When you are lost
listen for my voice.
I am here with you.
I am here for you.”

For the original Psalm visit