Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 65

God, you answer our prayers,
you forgive our mistakes,
and you set us on the right path,
So we sing your praises.

You fill our lives with joy,
inviting us into a community of love,
a community of people guided by your love,
So we sing your praises.

Your amazing works are all around us!
In the beauty of nature,
the birds singing,
the sun shining,
the wind blowing.
In the gift of companionship,
the smile of an infant,
the comfort of a friend,
the touch of a lover.
Your love surrounds us,
So we sing your praises.

Your creation is a wondrous thing!
Ecosystems maintain balance,
Weather patterns nourish life,
New growth finds its way through after a disaster.
The earth is alive with your wondrous majesty.
So all creation sings your praises!

For the original Psalm visit