Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 62

I feel God’s calming presence around me,
And I am at peace.
God is my resting place;
The calm, cool waters that restore me,
and give me the strength to go on.

A strength that is much needed to face this broken world!
How much longer will we try to build ourselves up
by tearing down others?
Why do we continue to live by these false divides
that separate us and isolate us;
Robbing us of the strength to make a difference.
When will we open our eyes to the brokenness
And finally unite to demand change.

Until that time I feel God’s calming presence around me,
And I can find peace in the midst of chaos.
God invites me to see the places of good in the world;
My hope is restored,
and my strength renewed.

Put your faith in God,
And you to will know God’s uniting love.
God offers rest and restoration to all.

When we look to God for guidance
we are bound by a uniting love
that offers us strength beyond our own.
God’s love calls us together
and inspires us to make change.
United we can overcome the hatred
that has infected this world.

God’s call to us is unceasing.
When we open our hearts and our minds,
God is there to guide us.
When we unite together in love,
God’s goodness will encompass all the earth!

For the original Psalm visit