A message that holds truth for all – no matter their circumstances:
We live in a world that seems to value money above all things. It is seen as good and normal to place accumulation of personal wealth above the needs of others. We celebrate and idolize the rich.
But what does their money truly buy them? What good are material things bought at the expense of others? How can you truly be happy when you are causing unhappiness in the world?
If you are looking on those who hoard their wealth with envy remember this: Those riches only have value in this lifetime. People who spend their whole lives focused on the accumulation of wealth risk missing the true gifts in life.
You do not have to be wealthy to experience the warmth in a loved one’s smile, to see the beauty of the world around you, to be supported by the love of friends and neighbours.
Do not look to others to covet what they have, Instead look for what connections can be made, where you can offer your love and support to a community, and receive love and support in return. For that love will last beyond any lifetime!
God’s wonders abound throughout all of creation; In the beauty of a spring flower; In the strength of a might oak; In the endurance of seeds resting in winter; God’s creative power is seen throughout the universe.
Yet at times we act as if we are superior to God’s might, And try to bend God’s creation to our will. We waste the resources God has so generously offered, and we are poor stewards of the earth. We call it industry and progress, But in truth it is actually destruction.
We are in awe of your mighty works, But too often fall short. We become to focused on our individual needs, And forget the needs of others. We become to focused on what we want, And don’t think about the impact it has on the world around us.
God, help us to recognize the gifts you have given us; Teach us to use them to correct our mistakes, So that we may be good stewards of your wondrous world.
God is our refuge and strength, Ever present in times of need. Though the world may feel like it is crumbling around you, God is there to help us build it back up. Though the world seems lost and divided; Corrupted by greed, selfishness, and anger, God is always with us inviting us to a better way.
God is like a gentle stream nourishing all it its path, Over time it will change the landscape, carving a deeper path. So to will God make big changes in our world, With time and a source to feed it; Goodness and love can take hold in this world!
Look at all the amazing work God has already done in the world! God has gifted us with creation that feeds us and teaches us. God calls us into communities so we can support and care for one another. God invites us to explore God’s Holy Mystery inviting us to creativity and growth. Let us all sing God’s praises! Let all of creation sing God’s praises!
As I walk though the woods today, I can’t help but notice the scars of damage on the trees around me. Some from human inflicted damage where branches or trees were cut to create a safe path to walk on…
Others where birds, animals and insects have eaten the bark or made a home in the tree…
Places where the wind has blown branches from trees…
And even places where bark is split simply by the natural process of growth…
I don’t know if this damage causes pain to the trees and if so to what extent but as a person who has been taught to avoid pain her whole life, I feel a surge of empathy as I look upon these battered trees.
From a young age we are taught to avoid things that cause us pain… …don’t touch the hot stove or you will burn yourself… …don’t hit your sibling because they will hit you back… …don’t leave your Legos on the floor or you might step on one…
Pain is a way for our bodies to warn us about things that are dangerous, so we don’t make the same mistakes over and over again, but I think at times we learn those lessons at little too well – especially when it comes to emotional pain.
There is no shortage of pop psychology that tries to teach us how to avoid pain. I cannot tell you how many YouTube videos, articles, and blog posts I have stumbled across with themes like “red flags you are in a toxic relationship”, “how to tell if someone is actually interested in you”, “markers of a bad relationship” and so forth. These are all written in an attempt to help us avoid emotional pain but there are two common fallacies that I find in all of these materials.
All relationships fit into set patterns.
Pain should be avoided at all costs.
We are all unique and weird in our own wonderful ways so what is a sign of a problem in one relationship could actually be a sign of healthy relationship for someone else. For example, I am not great at managing finances. I have a terrible habit of stress shopping, so for me a partner who manages my finances would be very helpful but for someone else it may feel controlling and overwhelming.
When assessing healthy or unhealthy relationship dynamics you must take into consideration the unique gifts and needs of everyone involved. This can be seen when we look at the trees that were cut along the trail. We need to create a path through the trees because few people these days have the skills to navigate their way through a forest without getting lost, but this needs to be done in a way that is respectful to the environment. If we cut the trees at random the harm being done to the trees creates an unhealthy relationship with nature but if we take the time to study the area, we can create a space that is mutually beneficial. We can create trails for people to walk on while assessing the health of the trees and removing dying branches so the trees can grow stronger by focusing their energy on the healthy branches.
Looking to nature also shows us that pain is an unavoidable part of living in community. Woodpeckers eat insects that could cause damage to trees thus protecting them from harm, but they also create holes in the tree to live in. Because we all have different needs and desires, there will be times in any relationship when we cause or endure unintentional pain. The important thing is how you respond to that pain. Do you use it as an opportunity to learn and grow together or is it something that develops into a negative pattern?
We all have different levels of pain tolerance so there is no “one size fits all” answer to managing pain in your life. Perhaps, a place to start would be to reflect on the following questions:
When has pain (physical or emotional) being a gift in your life and created positive change?
How do you discern when the pain of situation is too great and you need to change the dynamic or walk away from a situation?
Important note: When I talk about natural pain in a relationship, I am referring to UNINTENTIONAL pain. If some is causing you deliberate physical or emotional pain, please leave the situation! If you need assistance visit this website for places in Canada that offer support: https://endingviolencecanada.org/getting-help-2/
My heart overflows with joy at the very thought of you, I am so grateful that you came into my life. I can still replay the day we met in mind, Forming the scene as if watching a movie. Two things I will always remember from that day… …the brightness of your smile… …and that I thought you were a bit weird.
But God knows my life is a bit weird, So you fit with me so completely. I find myself counting the days until we can be together again, Because each time I with you brings so much light into my life; My spirit soars when we are together.
You help me to find my strength when I am feeling weak, You offer me direction when I am feeling lost, You give me comfort and support when I am feeling overwhelmed. You fill my life with light and laughter. You complete me; And I will forever be grateful that you found your way into my life.
As I sit here in the fading light reading about the history of your church, I find myself wondering about my ancestors. How did they come to know you through the Christian lens? Where were they as Christianity began to spread? Did they accept your word with open hearts, or did they resist knowing you through Jesus? These are questions I will likely never know the answer to. The history of my genetic family has faded like the light at the end of the day but you in invite me into a greater family. A family that connects all creation!
And so, I give thanks… I give thanks for Adam and Eve who taught me to respect creation. I give thanks for Abraham and Sarah who taught me to never give up hope. I give thanks for Jacob who taught me it is okay to wrestle with my faith. I give thanks for Ruth who taught me the gift of chosen family. I give thanks for Jonah who taught me that I can serve you even when I am not my best self. I give thanks for Job who taught me the importance of perseverance. I give thanks for Elizabeth who taught me to care for those I love. I give thanks for Mary who taught me to make you a priority in my life and for Martha who taught me the value of hard work. I give thanks for the hemorrhaging woman who taught me the healing power of faith. I give thanks for Peter who taught me it is okay to fall short of the standards we set for ourselves. I give thanks for Judas who taught me that our mistakes and hurtful action can be transformed by your love. And most of all I give thanks for Jesus who taught me to follow you with my entire being. God, I give thanks for all my ancestors… …genetic and spiritual… …known and unknown… I give thanks for they way they shaped me into the person I am today through your steadfast love.
God, I see so many people who claim to be Christian But don’t seem to be following a path of your love. Make clear to me your vision of the world, So that I make speak the truth to others. Give me the courage to speak out against falsehoods spoken in your name, And the wisdom to speak words of love that others will hear.
Fill me with your divine love, So that I may share it with all your people. Reveal your works in the world to me, So that I may sing praise to your glory for all to hear. I will give my life to you, O God, And sing your unending praises.
Help me to know only your righteous anger when I am confronted with places of hate, So that I may speak only from a place of love, And help all to truly follow in your way.
As the roots of a might oak burrow deep into the earth, So I am grounded in you. As its branches lift up leaves to reach the sunlight, So my spirit sores to your love. As it both supports and is supported by neighbouring trees, So I find a home in a community of your people.
You have led me to so much good in my life, And I have tried to follow the path you have set before me, So why now do I feel so lost? Why can I not see a way forward? How much longer must I feel stuck in this place? Is there something here I still need to learn?
I cannot not believe that you would abandon me now in my time of need, And yet, I struggle to recognize your presence. I am unsure of which way to go. Or perhaps more truly I know where to go, But not how to get there.
Do not abandon me now, Not when you have offered me a glimpse of true happiness. Help me to find the right words. I trust that you are still with me, So please show me the way forward!
Too often I look for joy in material things; new clothes, new shoes, new tech, new toys, But they cannot bring my lasting joy. Too often I put my own wants ahead of the needs of others.
But you, O God, call me to another way… …a better way. A way where I am invited to share the gifts you have given me with the people around me.
You call me to step out of my self-inflicted isolation, And be a part of a community… …be a part of your community.
You invite me to dream of a world where everyone has enough; Not just enough food, water, and shelter, But enough comfort and companionship… …enough connection and community… …enough love and support… …enough freedom to unapologetically be their authentic selves!
God, I know that with your help and through your love this will come to pass. May it be so!