Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 14

God, there are so many people who deny your work in the world.
They believe the false narrative that they cannot believe in science and in you.
They claim to trust logic and proof,
but in reality they just limit the world to what they can comprehend.

You move through all things is the world;
Speaking to anyone who is willing to listen,
and open their hearts to you.

But there are so many who struggle to find that connection.
They focus solely on their own narrow worldview
and miss out on the beauty of interconnectedness.

Do they not see how we are all connected through your creation?
That we drink the same water
and breathe the same air?

Instead of finding comfort and connection in your creation,
they go through life feeling lost and alone.
We could live in a world of unity and balance,
If we would just be open to your plan!

Help us to find new ways to open the hearts and minds of all to you;
So that we may live in and care for the world you created,
According to your plan.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 13

O God, I am running out of patience!
I am trying to follow the path you laid out for me,
But I am tired of feel out of sync;
How long do I have to wait for my path to align
with the one I see you calling me to?

I need an answer!
I could wait to walk this path in your time,
If you would only reveal to me what that is,
So I no longer feel like I am stumbling around blind.

As I wait, I recall the times you made yourself known to me,
and I am filled with gratitude!
So I will continue to sing your praises,
Even if I am a little frustrated at times…

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 12

Help us, God, the world seems to know you no longer;
so many people are no longer living lives of faith.
They make promises of a better world
that they have no intention of living out.

God rid the world of these divisive lies
and encourage speech that brings unity.
Silence those who speak falsehoods in your name;
until they learn to speak your message of love.

There are so many people who are marginalised in this world;
because of their economic status, their race,
their gender, their sexuality, their ability,
Teach us to speak your words of healing and hope;
To truly make a difference in the world.

God, I trust that you can work in the hearts of all people;
To lift up the marginalized and restore balance to your world.
There is so much in balance and inequity in this world,
But with your Spirit as guide we can create a safe place
for all your people.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 11

I want to live my life connected to the Spirit,
And yet there are so many distractions in this world
pulling me away from the life I am called to.
Calling me to shallow pursuits.
But if I am not rooted in God,
how can I live a life of love?

God you are at the centre of all things.
You move throughout the whole universe,
Breathing your life and love into all that exists.
You hold us to account for our wrongdoings –
For the things we do the hurt each other and creation.
You call us to a new way of being;
to repent our ways and share in your love.
For you are a God of love,
You inspire us to share in that love
until all the world knows your love.

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 10

Why God do you not make your presence plainly known?
Why can’t you make it easier for people to recognize your work in their lives?
Too often we do not open our hearts to you,
And put ourselves ahead of neighbours.

We are taught to consume instead of conserve
and take more than we need.
You have provided a world that has all we need
But we neglect your plan and hoard resources.

We hold the values of culture,
In higher regard than our responsibility to your creation.
We think that our own wants are more important
than the needs of the world.

But that is an empty way of life.
We are disconnected,
Not only from each other
but from all of creation.

We live in a world where it costs more to be poor;
A world of fast fashion that doesn’t last;
A world of high interest rates and extra fees
for those who have less.

We punish people for being poor,
But in the end we all suffer.
No amount of money can bring the joy
of living a life filled with your love.

Speak out, O Lord, make your presence known!
Hold us to a higher standard,
and teach us to work together;
Instead of against one another.

But of course, you are at work in the world.
You work through us;
Through people who help those in need,
and advocate for change.

Help us to see where you are calling us to action,
and inspire us with your love.
You are our God,
and you do good works in the world.

God, you hear our prayers,
and open our hearts
to fulfil your vision for the world.
So that one day your Kin-dom will come!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 9

Praise for you fills my being
Until I want to sing of your wonderful love!
You fill my heart with your love,
and my life with songs of praise.

When I have faced overwhelming challenges,
You were there with me.
In my darkest moments,
You sent people to comfort and protect me.

You move in the hearts of all people,
to be open and care for one another,
So that all who struggle will know,
They are not alone.

You are ever present,
and at work in the world.
You offer grace to all,
and help us work towards understanding.

You are a place of comfort for the lost;
Companionship so no one is ever alone.
All we have to do I trust in your presence,
and your Spirit is there to comfort and to guide us.

I know now you hold me in your care,
in times of joy and times of sorrow.
And so, I will sing praises
in gratitude for your loving presence.

When my mind threatens to drag me
Back to that place of darkness,
and I begin to feel lost and alone,
Remind me of your gracious presence,
So that I may continue to recognize
Your presence in my life.

So many people are suffering
in this world of unrealistic expectations;
That encourages competition instead of collaboration;
Independence instead of interdependence.
Help the world to recognize your presence,
and work toward the good of all people,
So that one day everyone can sing
praises to your name together!

For the original Psalm visit

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 8

Holy Creator,
I am in awe of the world you created!

Your loving presence is woven through all creation.
You speak through all of us
Even the tiniest baby
So that all may know your love.

In the vastness of the universe,
Keeping in rhythm all the planets, moons and stars;
and all of the intricacies of life;
it is amazing that you made a place for us!

You made us in your image,
and filled us with your love,
so that we may care for your creation.
The trees and flowers,
animals and insects,
fields and forests,
The world is full of life
and all of creation praises your name!

For the original Psalm visit



Whenever we are together
I take in every piece of you

Each line on your face
The slight curve of your nose
Which hairs are sticking up out of place

I take in every part of you
So that I have something to hold on to
When you are gone

But is never quite enough
I can never fully recreate

The warmth in your smile
The love in your eyes
The comfort of your presence

And so I wait…
Clinging on to this pale imitation of you
And longing for the day when we can be together again

Rewritten Psalms

Psalm 7

God you are my safe place.
Protect me from this world of greed
Or it will consume all of me
And destroy my soul.

God if I have taken part
in this system of oppression;
If I have valued people solely for what they do
and forgotten to look for who the are.
Then let me experience the suffering I am due
For my complacency;
For my refusal to speak out.

Let me know you anger, Lord,
Fill my heart with a burning passion
So that I am no longer complacent
So that I can work towards
a world full of your love.
Take what is good in me
and use it for your purpose.

Break down these systems of inequity
Bring balance to the world.
Open the hearts of the few
who are hoarding the resources that could serve many.
And inspire us all to look for a path
that leads to enough for all.

I give you thanks for all that you have given us
and pray that one day we will learn to work together
and not against one another!

For the original Psalm visit


The Space Between Us

I stand here in front of you
Drawn to your presence like a moth to a flame
And yet…

There is a distance I cannot cross
There air between us is like a wall
Firm and impassable

All I want is to reach out and touch you
To feel the warmth of your hand in mine
To be wrapped in your loving embrace

But all I can do is stand here before you
Just praying the conservation will go on a little longer
Drawing out the time until we have to part again

As you speak all I can think about is the space between us
If only I could just find away to cross it
Just place a hand on your arm

With just that simple touch our worlds would collide
The barrier between us would shatter
We could be in love

But still I hold back
Hand bound to my side
By what?

Fear mostly
Fear that this is all in my head
That you don’t feel the same
That you just see me as a friend

And so I stand here
Heart beating fast
Loving you a little more each day

Waiting, wishing, praying for some small change
Something to bring us together
Something to bridge the space between us

So I can finally find my place in your arms